Customer Testimonials

Greg just put my roof on yesterday. This is the second roof he has done for me. He is reasonable, reliable, and efficient! I would recommend his business to anyone needing a roof. Thank you Greg!!!

Fantastic service, great group of men and his price beat the pants off of the other bids we got. Thanks Greg.

Excellent work great quality best price couldn’t ask for anything else. Thanks Greg.

These folks did a great job on our house. They were extremely professional during the initial inspection and explained in detail how they will be installing the new roof. Cleanup was amazing and they were respectful of landscaping and property. Minus the brand new roof, we had no idea they were even there! I highly recommend this company.

Greg and his crew were very professional and so good to work with. Greg was thorough with his estimate and walked us through every step of our insurance claim. He made what could have been a stressful situation, very easy. We appreciated his quick service and honesty. Great company.

The crew was great the job was even better. I highly recommend them.

Greg and his crew just put a roof on our house yesterday. We couldn’t be more pleased. From our first contact with Greg, he has always been prompt and easily accessible with questions. We had planned on going with the same color shingles as we previously had but Greg suggested another color that he thought would look really good with our house. We took his suggestion and I have to tell you, it’s beautiful. I never thought I’d get so excited about a roof on my life!! Thanks so much Greg.

Greg knows what he is doing, his prices are appropriate, and he is an awesome guy in general! Don’t waste another second looking for a different roofing contractor!

Very honest and extremely considerate company. Greg is a very nice person to work with.

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John Doe